Interested in knowing more about who we are? Here are a few answers to questions our founder Victoria gets asked about Severessence™.
What does “Severessence” mean?
V: Severessence™ comes from the blend of the words “sever” and “essence.” Severessence is about breaking free from your reality to focus on what’s most important to you — people, places, things – in your life. It’s about concentrating on what gives you meaning and distilling your everyday to reflect your core values. It’s about authenticity and living your vision.
Why are you also “Severance”?
V: Originally, Severessence™ started out as Severance Distilling Co for two reasons: (1) the genesis of the company was my severance package and (2) I decided to leave the world of biotechnology behind to shift to a new industry. Early on, I realized more important than breaking away from my old life was how I would live every moment going forward. Often, life is so complex we find ourselves going through the motions and not really being true to who we are. Severessence is about taking stock of who, what, and where you are, figuring out what you’ve built, what you want to keep, what you’re going to leave behind, and what you’re going to build. For me, it was about crystallizing my vision, based on my values, and creating that as my everyday. Severance morphed into Severessence™, but our line of gins, which is the foundation of our spirits portfolio, is named Severance as a nod to our beginning.
What do the numbers stand for on Severance Gins?
V: Each gin number is the botanical recipe that was developed during R&D. For example, Severance No. 2 is the second gin recipe developed, Severance No. 9 is the ninth, etc. The missing numbers correspond to recipes that are either continuing to undergo refinement (e.g. 4, 6, 8) or were refined into the products available.
Where did “Biki’s” come from?
V: Everyone has more than one personality, and Biki is mine. I call her my evil twin, “the fun one.” The name “Biki” was coined from a visit to a coffee shop where I waited a loooong time for my grande cappuccino, only to realize that instead of “Vickie,” the name “Biki” had been written on the cup. I posted this story on social media, and now everyone who knows me, knows the story of Biki. Since she’s the fun one, she’s the maker for our Rum line, which invites you to relax and enjoy life. Of course, Biki’s™ Rum portfolio includes a coffee rum, to pay homage to her origin, as well as her (and my) love of coffee.
Why is your logo a lotus flower and leaves?
V: Our logo represents our commitment to begin anew, live authentically, and achieve balance in life. Although there are nuances to its meaning, the lotus is often a symbol of purity, enlightenment, and new beginnings. The flower also represents strength and resilience. The leaves below the lotus flower represent a mermaid tail to reflect my love of the ocean and beach, which is where I find my personal zen. The color gradient from black to white on the leaves represents the light and dark, highs and lows, good and bad, Yin and Yang, that exist in life and about how we each balance those on our journey.
Severessence™—Distill your journey.